Gold Am Yukon Amigo Spiel Rules Translation by Chris Mellor Typed and Edited by Mike Siggins Distributed from The Rules Bank by Mike Siggins Version 1.0 - 8th June 1996 Introduction The object of the game is to mark out claims with ones golddiggers and to find the most nuggets. Preparation Each player chooses a colour and takes all 12 stones in this colour. Each stone represents one golddigger. To begin, the youngest player puts one of his stones on a free start space (s). The other players follow in clockwise order. Game Play At the start each player has 11 stones off board and one on a start space. All golddiggers must first be brought onto the board by dice throws. One golddigger is placed for each spot. However, they must stand adjacently so that no gaps arise. Each player throws in turn and moves him team onto the board. How Does A Team Move Forwards? When all 12 stones are on the board. Each die spot rolled on the dice allows one stone to be moved. Each throw of one (1) permits a further throw, the die spots on the second die added to the one. For each spot a golddigger is moved from one end of his team to the other. This direction of motion must be maintained throughout the turn. The team must always form a single, connected chain. No gaps may appear in any team. In each turn the player must decide in which direction his team will move. Changing Direction A team may only move in one direction and the other if during the turn it encounters an opposing team. If, during the turn, the next space is occupied by an opposing stone then the rest of the turn's die spots must be used in the opposite/reverse direction. How Does One Stake A Claim? A claim is marked out when all available golddiggers in a team surround it. The last member of the team is left behind to guard the claim. This action costs one die-spot and the golddigger remains on the claim until the end of the game. If not all the die spots are used up, then the remainder are lost. Only one stone can be placed on each claim. The value given to each claim is the number of nuggets found there. For the first claim all 12 golddiggers must stand in a complete, closed circle. For subsequent claims it is sufficient for all golddiggers in a team to stand in one circle -surrounding the claim entirely is not necessary. The golddigger teams become fewer in number by finding nuggets. The player who first marks the claim for 6 nuggets then takes no further turns in the game. The rest of his golddiggers are all placed to guard his existing claims. Game End The game ends when all claims have been marked or when only one player still has golddiggers left to move. The Winner The winner is whoever has the greatest number of nuggets marked out in his claims.