Modern Art - Variant for 3 Players

Translated by Peter Wotruba.

[Peter: This is a translation of the Modern Art (Hans im Gluck) variant found at the end of the rulebook. My copy of the translation did not have this in it, so I translated it.]

For those who believe that in a three player game, each player has too much influence over the final outcome, we offer this varient:

At the beginning of the game, and after every auction round, four sets of cards are dealt according to the table in the rules. (As if there were four people playing). The fourth set of cards is left face-down to the side. These cards represent a non-playing fourth player - whom we like to call an over zealous Japanese art collector.

In the course of an auction round, anyone of the four players who wins the bidding in one of the auctions, may turn over the top card of this non-player. These cards may be revealed as long as they last, and once all of the cards of this non-player are revealed, there will be no more to turn over. The decision, whether to turn one of these cards over, depends only upon the tactical considerations of the player who won the bidding on a card (or cards).

The displayed card, of this over zealous person from the Far East, is neither auctioned nor does it bring in money at the end of an auction round. These cards serve only to influence the number of played cards for each artist. For example: by turning over a card, the fifth one from an artist may be revealed, thus ending that auction round. These cards count towards an artists worth at the end of an auction round. (They count towards the number of an artist's cards bought during that round for final determination of whether that artist's paintings are worth 30,000, 20,000, or 10,000). If an = card is revealed, when turning over one of this non-playing person's card, a second card is not revealed.

The Game Cabinet - - Ken Tidwell