Date: Tue,09 Jan 96 16:24 GMT
Subject: High Society


I was chatting to Mike Siggins yesterday, and he told me you had just been introduced to the pleasures of High Society. This, to my mind, is one of the best games around. I am glad you enjoyed it. The hot news, and the reason I am writing, is that I mentioned this afternoon to Reiner that you had just played and enjoyed High Society. He then informed me that Ravensburger has 'killed it'. The Company has decided to stop producing games in High Society sized boxes, and thus it must go. Reiner has asked for a dozen copies himself, and Rav is having difficultyfinding that many. Sounds like you got one just in time.

The up-shot is that the rights will return to Reiner, and he will probably market it to another company. It may even be that Ravensburger will take it again, and stick it in a different box. This is obviously second-hand information, but I thought you would be interested. Now I have access to the Internet at work, I frequently access the Games Cabinet, and find it extremely useful. Hope you had a good time over here.

Regards, Dave

That's dire news, indeed!

It seems that Ravensburger is making a full retreat from the world of adult games.

Please keep us posted on the fate of High Society.


The Game Cabinet - - Ken Tidwell