Date: Thu, 10 Jul 1997 17:44:06 +0100
From: Lukas Kautzsch (
Subject: Die Siedler Kartenspiel Turnier-Set

Hi Ken,

I have just discovered Games Cabinet and must admit to be impressed.

While reading the English rule translations for the Siedler Card Game Tournament Expansion I have spotted an important error in both of them (albeit translated differently), regarding the action card Überfall (Raid / Attack): The rule must read: The opponent must take ONE of these buildings back into his hand! If he owns less than three, he selects one of those he owns.

In the meantime Kosmos have found a typo in the table for the 'expanded tournament version': The Barbarian does in fact have THREE spies and TWO fire devils.

Kosmos have decided to change another rule: If a player removes a card voluntarily from his principality, the card must be placed on the discard pile! (I suppose they didn't want to encourage the re-use of a pirate fleet...)

I have informed Josh Feuerstein directly but could not find an e-mail address for Richard Ingram, so I hope you can pass my remarks to him (or change his translation directly).


Lukas Kautzsch

The Game Cabinet - - Ken Tidwell