Date: Thu, 25 Jan 96 14:55:32 -0500
From: "Glenn A. Kuntz" <>
Subject: Blown Away


I'm a relative "newbie" to the web, and happened across your site quite by accident (but the most fortuitous accident I've had in quite awhile!) I must say that I'm not only pleased, but downright wowed!

Unfortunately, I gotta ask a "newbie" question here... What are you all about? Are you a collector, a gaming club, game dealer, or what?

I browsed around a bit, but couldn't find any kind of FAQ or anything that describes exactly what the Game Cabinet is all about.

Your patience is appreciated.

Glenn Kuntz

What a good question! I never thought about it but at first glance that isn't clear at all anymore!

Primarily, the Game Cabinet is a monthly board gaming magazine. I serve as editor, programmer, head writer and chief bottle washer. A host of other people contribute from more countries than I will attempt to name (the last time I tried the list was unbelievably wrong but I still forgot Scotland and Stuart Dagger has yet to forgive me).

The magazine has a few regular features:

And some appendices:

Also, due to the nature of the medium, the contents of the previous issues of the Game Cabinet have been accumulating to form a very large reference library of reviews, translations, and general spewage on the topic of board games. There are over 400 articles on the subject now and more are added each month.

Anyhow, that's what it is.

No shop. No club (although I do talk a lot about different board gamers and designers that I know and hang out with so it sometimes sounds like there is a loose club involved). No dues. No subscription rates.

Just a humble monthly board game magazine delivered via a new medium.

Does that help?


The Game Cabinet - - Ken Tidwell